Needed A Little Relief!!!

Do any of you remember Jerry Clower?  He was a standup comedian from Mississippi, his stories revolved around life as he remembered it in rural Mississippi and usually included some members of the Ledbetter family.  One particular story involved a coonhunt and his friend John.  John was in the top of a big tree losing a battle with a lynx; John desperately asked that they just “Shoot up here amongst us, one of has got to have some relief.”

I thought of Jerry and that story this week.  No, I wasn’t coon hunting and it wouldn’t have been “amongst us” because I was home alone; but I needed some relief real bad.  I think I could relate to John’s desperation as he lost the battle with the lynx. I had encountered a Urinary tract infection and it wasn’t going away quietly like I remember them doing years ago.  Age related?  Maybe.

I don’t cook often and my repertoire is small but the few things I know how to make are pretty good; and I have never learned this thing called moderation when it comes to food prep.  I made red beans and rice and some gumbo; had to get the big artillery out to do all that.  I divided the stuff up, put some in the fridge (oh, crap, need to get that out of there) and took the girls some.  I had stuff setting all over the kitchen, I planned to clean up later.

By the time I got home all I wanted to do was drink some more water and go to the bathroom.  I am smarter than I once was but I’m just as hardheaded as ever. I got a little rest Friday night and picked up some over the counter crap and continued to drink a bunch and hope for some relief; it wasn’t happening.  That night and the following three nights the longest (no exaggeration) my head was on the pillow was thirty minutes, twenty seemed to be the norm.  I thought about John up in the tree some more.  Sunday morning I visited my neighborhood Urgent Care.  They gave me a prescription for an antibiotic and said I should feel some relief soon; I think our definition of soon is different.  I think I heard them snicker as I walked out the door.

Meanwhile the kitchen situation wasn’t getting any better.  All the big dirty stuff was still there and I am adding a little bit to it.  One day I ate a half slice of toast, I’m still not sure what happened to the other half; the next day I had a couple frozen waffles.  Lori brought me some soup and other things from the grocery; one day I had a can of Campbell’s Chicken Noodle, the next day a can of Progressive Noodle soup of some kind.  I prefer the Progressive and it isn’t close.  I found a place on the cabinet for the cans and pitched my bowls on top of some other stuff in the sink.  For three or four days I hadn’t even noticed how bad the kitchen looked.

Four days later, 2 cans of soup, 2 waffles and a half slice of toast to eat and no more than 30 consecutive minutes of sleep.  I was tired and the medicine still wasn’t working.  Tuesday afternoon I called my primary care physician; hoping he would call in a new prescription that would make it all better in a few minutes.  All I got was an appointment for 9:15 the next morning; this was going to be a challenge.

I made it to the Dr. the lab for a sample, thank god for that, and downstairs for an x-ray just to be sure there was no kidney stone.  I didn’t pee anyone including myself, although it got kind of close when the x-ray lady poked me in the wrong place. The Dr. said I just needed to give the stuff time to work that they had prescribed at Urgent Care.

I guess they were right (god that is hard to say) by midafternoon Wednesday I was beginning to slightly improve.  I slept some Wednesday night and the recovery was underway.

I tackled the kitchen Thursday.  Did you know those soup cans will actually stick to the countertop if they are left for a few days.  It only takes a little nudge to get them loose, but they will stick. It looks like my kitchen again.

There is always a bright spot if you look. I lost ten pounds during this ordeal, but I’m not too concerned; I’m sure with little to no effort I can put all that back on in the next couple weeks.

It is now Friday night or Saturday morning, I have had a couple decent night’s sleep and probably should be getting another good night’s sleep, but I haven’t pounded the old keyboard in a while and kind of felt the need tonight.

One reason I haven’t written is because I have had a rather slow uneventful fall.  If you ask what I have been up to; I could give you a truthful two word answer.  Not much.  I probably should leave it at that and go get some of that sleep that I so desperately crave early in the week, but you know how I am.

I have spent a lot of time at the lake, not really doing anything just hanging out.  After all that is what lakes are for.

Last time I was here Patty and I had attempted to take the houseboat on a little shakedown cruise.  We were fortunate and made it back to the marina under our own power.  I worked all those little issues and a couple months ago Cale and I took her out again, there was a slight temp issue on one engine but overall it went OK.  I think if I relax my standards just a little everything will be OK, kind of a nice way to say I’m too picky.  Right now she is comfortably bedded down patiently awaiting the arrival of spring.

From my house to yours: A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!!!

Good Night and God Bless.
