What a Difference a Year Makes

What a difference a year makes.  I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions but if I did such things last year and probably the previous 30 years at or very near the top of the list would have been, lose some weight.  This year my resolution is don’t lose any more weight.  I started 2017 tipping the scales at 240 or so, I will start 2018 at 180 give or take a pound or two.  I like 180 better than 240 but there are much better ways to shed a few pounds.

2017 was a very interesting year at my house.  I will share a few of the highlights but first and foremost I want to thank God and a whole bunch of medical professionals for giving me the opportunity to see another New Year.

Some of what I have to say tonight will probably be a repeat of what I put in previous blogs, just give me a break if that happens.

I saw more medical professionals in ’17 than I had seen in the previous 74 years of my life.

I started the year with what I thought was major surgery.  I had Cataract surgery in both eyes in late January and early February.  Good news is I no longer need glasses.  Life was good, I bought some high dollar over the counter sunglasses, things are still like new.  I spent some quality lake time in the very early spring, even learned to Crappie fish a little bit.

In mid to late March I developed a little problem eating, it kind of hurt to swallow food.  A couple doctor visits a borescope inspection and some lab work revealed what no one wants to hear.  I had cancer of the esophagus.  I just thought those cataracts were a big deal.

I covered the details of the initial diagnosis and treatment in previous blogs so I will summarize.  In May and June I had Chemo and Radiation at the same time.  I also had a feeding tube, that thing was the source for about 90% of my nutrition for a few weeks.  The Chemo and Radiation were effective and prepared me for the next step in the treatment plan, surgery.

They told me the surgery was a tough one, they removed my esophagus and built me a new one with my stomach, but I didn’t think it would be that tough.  I’m still in recovery mode.  I had a couple post op incidents that I believe prolonged the recovery process.

One of the incidents was while I was in the hospital.  I think it was the fourth night after surgery, I had been on my scheduled walk down the hall and back.  About the time I got back in bed my heart kind of went crazy, it was beating very erratic at about 175 beats per minute.  They got it stabilized at about130 bpm, it stayed there for about 36 hours then returned to normal.  As a result, in addition to primary care, oncologist, surgeon and urologist, I now see a cardiologist.  With the exception of the next incident I haven’t had additional issues with the heart.

Included in my discharge instructions was, if there was any indication of an accelerated heart beat to go to the nearest emergency room.  Wouldn’t you know it, Labor Day weekend about 10:00 pm Saturday the old heart kind of fluttered and was beating at about 120.  I followed instruction and went to the ER at Norman Regional.  A good ER doc and a CT scan determined the rapid heartbeat was secondary.  My right lung had collapsed and was putting pressure on the heart causing it to go a little crazy.

The immediate corrective action was to insert a drain tube through my rib cage to relieve some pressure, I knew what those things were, I had four of them after surgery.  In addition to the young doctor there was an old “been there done that” nurse helping.  She asked if the previous tubes were put in during surgery, I answered yes, her response was “this is going to hurt real bad”; she was right. I had to stay at the hospital for a day or two.  They gave me a choice to stay there or go to OU Med center.  I opted to go see my surgeon and his crew.  I got my first ambulance ride and hopefully my last.  They charge $1828.00 to go from Norman to OKC. They sent me home on Monday to resume the recovery process.

I talked them into taking the feeding tube out in late September.  Since then I have very slowly gotten stronger and my energy level has increased.  I still sleep with my head elevated, right now about 15 inches higher than my butt.  I think that will be a forever thing, they had to remove some of that stuff that prevents re flux.  I haven’t lost any weight in about three weeks; I think I am about ready to see if the Crappie are biting and put a little wear on those sunglasses.

I almost forgot an important note.  I had a CT scan a few days ago and everything still looks good.  I cross my fingers and knock on wood when I use the term CANCER FREE, but I sure like the way it sounds.

I’m looking forward to a somewhat normal year, in addition to the lake maybe I’ll feel like running up and down the road a little and maybe find something interesting to write about.

Have a Happy New Year and consider a donation to the cancer research organization of your choice.

Good Night and God Bless


Slowly Recovering….

Disclaimer:  To my Facebook friends parts of this will be somewhat redundant.  I have done a few “how goes it” Facebook posts.  I keep those short.  Getting a little wordy or maybe even carried away is one thing I like about blogging.

I know it has been a while since I pounded the keyboard, but I’ve been busy and just a bit under the weather.

On August 9th I arrived at OU Medical Center at 5:00am for the much anticipated Esophagectomy.  The surgery was scheduled for 7:30am; you need to start early for something that is going to take all day.  The first couple hours was the typical hurry up and wait routine.  About 7:00 they injected me with a little something and I kind of dozed off.

That little nap lasted about 10 or 12 hours and they abused the old man’s body something fierce while I was sleeping.  They removed the damaged part of my esophagus and used my stomach to build me a new one.   The actual surgery, from first incision to final closure, was eight hours and one minute.  My next stop was room 2008 in ICU, this would be my home for the next nine days.

I was equipped with a total of six drainage tubes protruding from my nose and various places on the body. I also had one feeding tube, it is still in place.  About 12 hours after arriving in ICU they decided it would be a good thing for me to walk down the hall.  The recovery process was underway.


The next few days I received the typical, closely monitored, ICU care including a chest X-ray at 2am each day followed by a breathing treatment an hour later. The drainage tubes slowly started to disappear and the walks became longer and with less assistance.  I have nothing but kind words and praise for the surgeon and his staff and the entire ICU staff, they were tremendous.

Following surgery the Dr. sent biopsies from the esophagus and several surrounding lymph glands for analysis.  The pathology report indicated the only detectable cancer was in the original tumor in the esophagus which was removed during surgery.  An earlier PET scan had the same result.

The initial plan was for me to spend 7 to 10 days in ICU then go to a regular room for an additional 10 days or so.  However, the surgeon and his staff decided I had progressed sufficiently to bypass that regular room stay and come to the Patten house.  On the 18th of August I arrived at home cancer free, all I had to do was complete this recovery process.  I was very unsure as to what I was doing or what to expect, to be honest I was nervous and a little scared.

The girls got my meds organized, some appropriate food in the house and helped me figure out the new tube feed process, and yes, it is a process.  I got over the scared and the nervous to an extent and am now a couple weeks into the recovery process.  I thought I would be fishing by now but that is still way down the road.

I mentioned the girls in the previous paragraph, they deserve more than a mere mention.  They have been there for me and with me for the past five months.  I wouldn’t have made it through this thing without them.

To complete the recovery process I need to increase my food intake so I can eliminate the tube feeding.  I’m trying, but is isn’t going as well as I had expected.  I’ll get there, just not sure when.  I also need to get a lot stronger than I am now.

I’m kind of tired of writing about this cancer thing that has been my life for the past five months.  Maybe soon I can write about a fishing trip or a ballgame or some other pleasant subject.

Please consider a donation to your comfort level to the cancer research organization of your choice.

God Bless and keep me in your prayers.



Getting A Little Nervous!!!

The last time I was here I had just finished Chemo and radiation. The first week or so I couldn’t eat anything and everything I poured down the feeding tube made me sick, resulting in additional weight loss and dehydration.  The radiation oncologist said my ability to eat should improve in a week or so; by golly she was right.  It has gradually improved to the point I can now eat about anything I want including hamburgers, pizza and even a chicken fried steak, gonna try some Mexican in a couple days.  Liquids are still a bit of a challenge but I handle them well enough that the only thing that goes down the tube is a little water to flush the thing.  Needless to say I am no longer dehydrated and I have gained about 8 or 10 pounds.

I feel good, even have a little bit of spring in my step.  The hair has stabilized at least and it may be my imagination but I think it is beginning to grow a little bit.  I probably pushed it a bit but I felt good enough to make a run to my home away from home and make sure the boats were still floating; and enjoyed a nice dinner with some good friends.  It was the first time I had eaten in a restaurant since early April.

I know the title doesn’t match the previous two paragraphs.  If things are going that good why should I be nervous?  Awe, let me tell you what is peeking around the corner.  Last time I was here I talked about this surgery thing that would probably happen in late August or early September.  That little event is now scheduled for August 9th, which is only two weeks and two days away.  I took the cancer diagnosis, the chemo and radiation in stride but for some goofy reason I am a little nervous about the surgery.

Between now and surgery day I have 7 medically related appointments for things like EKG, X-ray, Pet Scan, Endoscopy and just some routine preop things. I won’t go into detail on the surgery since I did that last time I was here, but I will summarize.  The surgery will take about eight hours, I will be in ICU for a week to ten days and in the hospital for three weeks or so.  All this will happen at the OU Medical Center.

That just about sums up what is happening in my little world tonight.  I’m not sure when I will be back, if they let me have my iPad I might try to communicate from the hospital but that probably won’t happen so it will probably be a while.

You might mention me in your prayers.

Good Night and God Bless.


Catchin’ Up……………

Disclaimer:  To my Facebook friends the first part of this will be somewhat redundant.  I have done a few “how goes it” Facebook posts.  I keep those short.  Getting a little wordy or maybe even carried away is one thing I like about blogging.

I had my final of 5 chemo sessions on June 19th.  I received two different drugs, Taxol and Carboplatin, five sessions and by my thinking that is 10 chemo infusions.  My system handled the chemo remarkably well.  I had the typical fatigue and minor but almost continual nausea.  My hair started slipping about the fourth treatment; the jury is still out on that one.  Still have some hair but also still losing some hair; honestly I don’t really care.

I had the final of 25 radiation treatments on June 27th.  Honestly, contrary to the norm, I didn’t handle the radiation as well as I did the chemo. I think tumor location was a major factor in the problems I continue to encounter.  My lower esophagus and stomach inlet were in a constant state of change, or turmoil might be more descriptive, affecting my ability or inability to eat a little table food and to drink any liquids.  The radiation in that area contributed significantly to the nausea / indigestion issues previously mentioned.

The Dr. seems to think in a few more days I will be able to get more of my nutrition via table food, god I hope he is right. I have given it a sincere effort but my system just doesn’t play well with that stuff I pour down the feeding tube.  I have worked with two different nutritionists and four different formulas, so far I haven’t found the secret.

To sum up radiation and chemo:  For the duration I felt like getting out of bed, showering and getting dressed every day.  With the exception of the final two radiation treatments I was comfortable driving myself to Norman Regional for the treatments.  Thanks Lori for serving as my designated driver for those final two.  I have continued to lose a little weight and I have to get a handle on that.  Since mid-March I have lost about 35-40 pounds. If that loss was due to willpower and a good diet/exercise program I would be very happy, but with what lies ahead weight loss is not a good thing.

The next four weeks I will be in recovery mode.  Toward the end of July I will have a PET scan and an Endoscopy (borescope inspection).  The PET scan will be the 31st of July, not sure of the date on the scope. Both of those are becoming somewhat routine.

Last time I was here I mentioned a pulmonary test and a nuclear stress test.  I had both of those and the results were good.  That pulmonary test is probably worthy of its own blog post or at least a paragraph in this one but I’m not in the mood to write comedy or sarcasm tonight.  Maybe later.

I had a second visit with the surgeon a couple days ago.  I shared his overview last time I was here, I got the in depth version with all the details this time. The procedure is called an Esophagectomy.  I will try to summarize with some detail, timelines etc.  The date of surgery hasn’t been set but it should be the last couple weeks of August.

I’m not going to try to quote the Dr. on what he is going to do, but I will paraphrase. On a surgical scale of 1 to 10 this is a 12, definitely got my attention.  It will take about eight hours and consist of removing the lower two thirds of the esophagus and use the stomach to build a new esophagus.

I will be in ICU for 7 to 10 days following the surgery and in the hospital for a minimum of three weeks.  I will immediately have controlled amounts of ice and water via mouth that was good to hear.  I will have a new kind of feeding tube, it will stay with me until I can handle enough table food to sustain myself, and I’m not sure on that timetable.  The new tube will pump the formula directly into my small intestine, kind of like an IV pump.

Looking way down the road.  Maybe 90 days to somewhat normal and the Dr. said to expect six months to a year for full recovery.

I am completely comfortable with the surgeon, yes I know there are always risks but I really think this is my only shot at some good years in my future.

Please overlook the typos, grammar etc. in this one, I’m too tired to edit tonight.  I’m not sure when I will be back; it will probably be a while.

Good Night and God Bless.


Tryin’ To Keep My Dauber Up…


Just threw the pic in because it may be the last one for a while with hair.

I’m sure you have all used or at least heard the phrase “Keep your Dauber up” or maybe “Don’t get your Dauber down”. Out of curiosity, I Googled the phrase. I was interested in the origin and real meaning.  There are various opinions on the origin; the meaning is simple. Just words of encouragement; keep a positive attitude, show courage etc.

It is often associated with sporting events.  The game of baseball; you strike out with the bases loaded or the curve doesn’t break and you give up the “walk off” game winner.  From the dugout or the stands you hear “keep your dauber up, you’ll gettum next time.”

The sport of rodeo; you buck off at the seven second mark or you wipe out the third barrel on an otherwise winning run. As you leave the arena you hear “don’t get your dauber down”.

On the job, following a little chat with the boss, a coworker is kind enough to speak to you about the position of your dauber.

The phrase has been on my mind as it applies to the game of life, you have this thing called cancer and you have three days to absorb the fact if the treatment plan is successful your next normal meal will probably be sometime around Christmas.

Yes, I made the mistake of looking too far down the road and “let my dauber down” for a few days. It is back up and don’t ask me about day after tomorrow.  I know about down the road but I am not looking past tomorrow.

Now, let’s talk about what has happened since I was here last, also it looks like one of those sleepless nights.  If that is the case I may share some insignificant thoughts; I’ll try to stay away from the serious stuff.

Radiation and chemo have started.  I have had six radiation treatments and two rounds of chemo.  Radiation only takes about 20 minutes, chemo is about 3 ½ hours.

So far it has gone extremely well; just some very minor nausea, re flux and the normal fatigue.  I have been completely capable of driving myself for those appointments.  Some of the other chemo related side effects will probably begin to show up but at least we’re off to a good start.

About 90% of my food intake is through the tube, I haven’t totally accepted that as a way of life but it is going OK.  The weight gain I bragged about last time was temporary, I have lost the gain plus a couple pounds.

I had an initial consultation with the surgeon who will replumb me (his words).  I like him and was impressed with the Stephenson Cancer Center.  He didn’t give me a lot of detail on how he would do it, basically an overview of what he would do.  I think that was good because I am still trying to absorb the what, see the “dauber down” paragraph.

I will summarize:  estimated timeline on the surgery is early September.   He will remove my esophagus and use my stomach to build a new one.  The surgery will take about eight hours, followed by at least a 90 day recovery.  I will get my nutrition through the tube for most if not the entire 90 days.  I didn’t ask specifically, probably wasn’t sure I could handle the answer.

I will need to do some pulmonary and stress testing to determine if I am physically able to withstand the surgery; I don’t think there are any hidden issues.

That’s about it on the factual stuff.  I was right about the sleep, I think it is a day of chemo side effect, so I will proceed with a couple of those insignificant thoughts.

The short one first.  One of the typical chemo side effects is sores in the mouth and bleeding gums, making eating very difficult to maybe impossible. That won’t hamper my ability to eat because I eat through that darn tube. Gotta’ look at the bright side.

Many times over the past few years if you stepped in my kitchen the pleasant smell of roast beef, spaghetti, bacon and eggs, takeout pizza, chili, goulash and the list goes on greeted you.  Recently you would have been greeted by the repulsive smell of Ensure.

Repulsive might be a little strong but it is more descriptive than pleasant, and because I was cooped up with it, I kind of had a come apart.  With a tremendous amount of aerosol air freshener, a couple of strategically placed candles and an emphasis on immediately washing the serving pitchers and throwing the empty bottles in the outside trash I kind of have a handle on it.  Just another of the little unforeseen issues in this battle with cancer.

I have a radiation appointment in a few hours.  I probably should see if I can find a little sleep. I’m not sure when I will be back, probably next week after chemo (not really).  Thanks for reading what I write.

Keep me in your prayers.

Good Night and God Bless


Ahhhh. . .Breakfast!!!

Nutrition experts continually remind us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that we should start each day with a healthy breakfast.  In my world a healthy breakfast has always been bacon and eggs with hash browns and a side of biscuits and gravy or maybe a good loaded western omelet with a couple pancakes on the side.

Hello new world.  Pictured is this morning’s breakfast and if I follow the Dr.’s prescribed menu this will be my breakfast for the foreseeable future.  I am already about ten days into this routine.  Oh yes, if I remove that little glass pitcher to the extreme right, this is also my lunch and dinner menu.  The little pitcher contains a delicacy served only for breakfast; it is called Miralax.


The process works like this.  I attach that syringe looking thing with the numbers to the flexible tube that now protrudes from my belly; I’ll do you a favor and not share a picture of that.  After the apparatus is assembled I simply pour all that stuff down the tube.  It seems to be working, I have gained about 3 pounds.  It is the first time I have been happy about gaining weight since high school.

I am not totally dependent on the feeding tube, I can still eat small portions of selected items via the old fashioned put it in the mouth chew it and swallow it method.  I just can’t eat or drink nearly enough to maintain the level of nutrition and hydration necessary to get me through what lies ahead.

Speaking of what lies ahead.  I had anticipated being a few days into the radiation/chemo process by now, however we encountered a few typical delays.  The planning, coordination and all those things are complete and treatment will begin Monday.

The first chemo is scheduled for 8:00 am; they are planning 4 to 4 1/2 hours for the first one; Radiation will follow at 2:10 pm.  If everything goes well I just might have time to come home and pour a bottle or two of Ensure down the tube between the treatments.  The finalized plan is for 25 radiation treatments and, I believe, 5 weeks of chemo.

I am more than ready to finally proceed into battle against this cancer deal. I am optimistic that the battle will be successful, however I am apprehensive and a little nervous as I face the unknown.  The side effects of chemo and radiation can be very vicious or they can be reasonably mild, I have personally witnessed both extremes.  I am hoping for mild, expecting somewhere in the middle and trying to prepare for the vicious stuff.

I still don’t have any real detail on the proposed surgery.  It will be performed at the Stephenson Cancer Center in OKC, I will see the surgeon next week for an initial consultation.  I have done a little research and will limit my uneducated comment to it appears to be a pretty major deal.  I think that is what my oncologist eluded to without scaring me with the details.

I am adapting reasonably well to the sudden changes in my lifestyle, my attitude is good and I believe that really is light at the end of the tunnel; not the proverbial “oncoming train”.

Please mention me and the family as you say your prayers and consider a donation to the cancer research organization of your choice.

Thanks for reading what I write and we’ll talk again in a few days.

Good Night and God Bless.


A Tech Report

Last time I was here I was awaiting three major events in this newly declared war on cancer, a PET scan, an Endoscopic Ultrasound and a visit with my oncologist, those things have happened.  There was some good news and some not so good.

The PET (positron emission tomography) scan provided the good news.  The only indication of cancer was in the lower esophagus, in the area of the previously discovered tumor.

Procedurally, the Endoscopic Ultrasound or EUS was very similar to the EGD i.e. a highly sophisticated borescope inspection to include some very detailed pictures.  You can thank me for not sharing those.

The tumor is, or was a week ago, 2.1 cm in depth, for you non metric types that is .826 in. it seems to be increasing in size kind of quickly.  The esophagus wall and some lymph nodes in the area are also affected.  We originally thought the cancer was Squamous Cell, however a second biopsy identified it as Adeno carcinoma which is much more common to that area of the esophagus.  Because the lymph nodes and the esophagus wall are involved the cancer is classified as stage 3.

The oncologist laid out a game plan to go attack this thing, and yes, the road is going to be long and rocky.  In a nutshell the plan is radiation, chemo and surgery.

The radiation and chemo will be administered simultaneously in Norman.  The radiation five times a week for six weeks, the chemo once weekly for that same six weeks.  Prior to starting those I will get a feeding tube because it is already difficult to eat and it will be impossible to get enough calories down, if I can swallow food at all, during the early stages of the treatment. I didn’t ask but I don’t think a chicken fried steak will go through that feeding tube.

The surgery will follow the radiation and chemo by a few weeks.  It will be done at the OU Medical Center in OKC.  I don’t have much detail on it at this time I will meet with the surgeon in the near future to further discuss the details.  The oncologist did say, it is a pretty significant procedure.

Sometimes my thoughts need to remain on this side of the keyboard, tonight is one of those times.  I’m not sure when I will be back, it may be a while.  Until then keep my family in your prayers.

Good Night and God Bless


Been There. . .

Have you ever started down the highway to a place you have never been but for some strange reason the road seems very familiar.  You remember that unique billboard or the old barn that is leaning but still standing.  Then it dawns on you that you have indeed traveled this stretch of highway but this time the intended destination is not the same.

This week I started a journey down a stretch of life’s highway not previously traveled however terms like PET scan, Radiation, Chemo and Carcinoma sounded very familiar. All I had to do was think back to yesterday or a long time ago (actually 8 years and about 4 months ago).  Difference is the previous trip I was the support guy, this time I am the guy.

I want to thank Lori for putting the blog together earlier in the week; key words in it were “My Dad has Cancer”, anything I would have written that evening needed to stay on this side of the keyboard.

Please understand we aren’t seeking sympathy or attention.  We just prefer you hear factually from us, instead of Coffee shop or Beauty shop rumor, the situation as we know it.  Also, I cut my blogging teeth writing about this thing called Cancer, I found it to be an effective stress relief tool and yes, I am a little stressed this week.  Did I mention that I acquired a bit of a writing habit along the way.

I had intended to make my first post a complete tech report with some detail on the diagnosis and treatment plan, how silly of me, those things haven’t happened and won’t for a couple more weeks.  Patience is a real asset when dealing with the medical community, sure wish I had some. I am kind of in a writing mood and looks like one of those nights when sleep won’t come so I will share what I know today and maybe some other thoughts.

A few weeks ago I started experiencing difficulty swallowing and some pain in my esophagus while eating. It didn’t take long for me to seek medical help because I don’t want anyone or anything to interfere with my ability to devour a good chicken fried steak or double meat hamburger.

My family doctor asked the normal questions, prescribed a pill, which helped and referred me to a Gastroenterologist (god that’s a big word). He performed an EGD or Upper Endoscopy, for you old jet engine friends, he did a borescope inspection of my esophagus.

I was expecting something as simple as an ulcer or similar i.e. take this bottle of pills and it will be OK.  It wasn’t that simple, he found a tumor low in the esophagus at the point it joins the stomach.  He did a biopsy and sent me home to eat carefully, chew well and call him on Monday afternoon for the pathology results.

I think I prefer to sit in the exam room or across the desk from the doc but I was sitting at my dining room table when I heard “there is some cancer”.  I thought I was prepared for it but somehow I don’t think you are ever prepared to hear that about yourself or someone you love.

All I know today is I have Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma, I probably won’t get another chicken fried steak for a very long time, and I don’t know if it has spread to other parts of the body.

I have a PET scan scheduled next week, an appointment with the oncologist in a couple weeks and somewhere between those two I will have an Endoscopy Ultrasound, whatever that is.  I will be seeing the same oncologist we used when Sharyl was sick, I had a conversation with her nurse today, and she is one of my favorite people on earth. That is all the facts as I know them today.

Now some speculation.  Best case, it is only in the esophagus we’re probably looking at some radiation, chemo and possible surgery.  Maybe a chicken fried steak at some point down the road.

Worst case, let’s don’t go there tonight.

I am keeping a positive attitude, however our family’s limited experience with Cancer does nothing to enhance those positive thoughts.  I don’t want sound noble (if that’s the right word) but I feel worse for my kids and grandkids as they struggle with acceptance and naturally relate this to that previous family experience.

Thanks for listening, I probably won’t be back until after I see the oncologist. I hope you and yours have a fun Easter and please remember the reason we celebrate.

Keep me in your prayers.  Good Night and God Bless.


Some news

On December 10th 2008 I started the original Our Mom blog with the single mission of keeping friends and family updated on my Mom’s life with cancer. My Dad became something of a wordsmith, made the blog his own and used the power of the written word to convey so much more than just random health updates. The original blog and this blog have documented so many events in our lives. This is a small excerpt of that first blog post titled wishes and reality:

“What I wish is that there was not a need for this blog. Not a need to have a place to post updates about my Mom, not a need to keep our friends and family informed,  not a need to talk about cancer. I wish my Mom didn’t have cancer……
But she does, and we are so fortunate to be reminded daily that our family is not traveling this road alone.”

Today is April 10th 2017, a little over 8 years since that original post and I find myself once again needing a  place to keep our friends and family informed.

My Dad has cancer.

Specifically he has Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.  Cancer of the esophagus.

We received the news today. In the next week there will be a Pet Scan and an appointment with the oncologist, results of the pet scan, staging answers and a treatment plan. We will have so many answers in the next few days, in this time between we remain strong and hopeful.

I know my Dad will be pounding the keyboard again soon until then I will end this as he would

Thank you all and God bless.


They Said . . .

They said, cook it in the oven.   They said, it’ll be much easier . . . yeah right.

I really like bacon, however since I have been a one person household it has not been a staple in my kitchen.  Probably a combination of three reasons: the stuff is expensive, it isn’t very healthy and it is kind of a mess to cook and clean up just for one person.

A couple weeks ago I smoked some ribs, brisket and other stuff.  I wanted to try a new process on a pork loin, I needed some bacon.  The loin was good and I had some bacon left, sure wasn’t going to throw that high dollar stuff away, so I broke out the old cast iron skillet and fried me some bacon.  It took a little elbow grease to degrease the skillet, stove top and surrounding area but by god that bacon was good.  I ate some and froze some (just a little test), a few seconds in the microwave and it was almost as good as the fresh fried version.

The next time I went to the grocery store a 1 ½ lb. (did you ever wonder who decided lb. was the appropriate abbreviation for pound) package mysteriously found its way into my shopping cart.

The plan was to cook all the bacon and freeze it so I could use one or five pieces at a time as the appetite dictated.  I have also always wanted to have that little container of bacon grease available to enhance the flavor of all sorts of things; mom always had a jar of bacon grease on the stove.

I used my old friend, Google, to determine the best way to accomplish this simple little project.  Google said it would be much easier to cook the bacon in the oven and that I could store the grease almost indefinitely in the fridge in a glass or ceramic container, no plastic.

There were several opinions about the best way to oven cook bacon, all of them used a shallow pan or cookie sheet, I have this like new, although it is several years old, sheet cake pan, the consensus temp seemed to be 400, my oven will do that. Opinions differed on placing the bacon on a baking rack in the pan or just placing it directly in the bottom of the pan.  I decided, to keep the grease a little cleaner, I should use the rack method.  I don’t own a baking rack, I don’t even know what that is, and so I improvised and used a rack out of my smoker.  Looks like all I need to do is oven cook me a bunch of bacon.

My pan/rack deal would only hold about half the bacon, not a big deal I’ll just do two batches.  Oven preheated, bacon neatly arranged on rack, timer set for 18 minutes, time to relax and wait.

A little FYI, I have two smoke detectors in the house, one about three steps from the previously mentioned oven, the other way back at the other end of the house.  You wonder why I mention this, hang on.

At about the ten minute mark I decided to peek at the bacon, the smoke detector went crazy.  I pushed every button on the thing, it was still screaming, I ripped it off the ceiling, still screaming.  I opened the battery compartment, no battery, probably removed as the result of a previous cooking adventure gone badly.  It was the detector way back at the other end of the house.  I made a mental note to get smoke detector batteries next time I’m in town or maybe not.

The first batch cooked to perfection (perfection might be a little strong) in about 22 minutes.  I immediately reloaded and started batch number two.  The ten minute check this time produced a tremendous amount of smoke, I opened all the doors, there was enough smoke I am surprised the neighbors didn’t call the fire department, in fact I considered calling. I got the oven closed and the smoke cleared and let the stuff continue cooking, like the first batch it came out just right.



I have a few thoughts on what went wrong but I won’t bore you with them other than to say I have never seen that much grease in one oven.  A little in the bottom could be expected but this thing had grease on the sides, the top was even covered.  I just thank god for that self-clean cycle and I believe one or two more cycles the thing will actually be clean again.

The end result, a nice package of precooked bacon in the freezer, about a half cup or maybe more of bacon grease in a little glass container ready to enhance my next meal and the kitchen almost back in order.

My little glass container is the bottom of a wine bottle; I think I cut wine bottles better than I cook bacon.


I think next time I want to cook some bacon I’ll use the old cast iron skillet.

I know I haven’t been here in a few months.  Life has been good; I just haven’t done anything I felt worthy of passing to your side of the keyboard, and mid-January to mid-March remains a quiet and personal time for me.

Since I am here I will mention, I had cataract surgery about a month ago and for the first time in my life I have 20/20 vision without glasses or contacts.

I’m not sure when I’ll be back, maybe sooner rather than later.

Good night and God bless.
