Got Ur Done!!!

A couple years ago in one of my posts I talked about three things I needed to work on. Obviously there are way more than three things in my life that need improvement, but tonight let me bring you up to date on those three.

I think first on the list was a need to lose some weight. I did that long enough ago that I have managed to find about half of what I lost. Someday I guess I need to do that again or maybe not.

I expressed a desire to learn to have fun at the lake again. I have done that; I spend a lot of time here and enjoy it.

The third thing on that list was to overcome four years of neglect and get my yard to look like my yard again. That one didn’t go well. I didn’t have a clue about what to do or how to do it to the flowerbeds. I knew about mowing and watering and fertilizing the grass. I knew about chainsaws and trimming trees. I also knew about all the reasons to wait until tomorrow to do those things. It can always be too hot or too cold, too wet or too dry. I used all those excuses but I made gradual progress, so gradual I never noticed a significant improvement.

When I finished mowing today, I gave it a good look and I liked what I saw; the place actually looks as good as it did in the summer of ’08. Sure, there are some things that need a little attention, maybe trim a few low hanging limbs or weed eat the back fence a little better. I’m sure there were a few low hanging limbs in ’08 and that back fence has never looked real good.

If you drive by you won’t see a “Yard of thee Week” sign. It isn’t that good but all I wanted was as good as it was in ’08. It just took two years but I got ur done.

It's a start

It’s a start

Sun was wrong.  Should have waited til morning, but I wont be home.

Sun was wrong. Should have waited til morning, but I wont be home.

Tomorrow if it isn’t too wet or too dry; too hot or too cold, I get to see if I can make the lake place look as good as it did in ’08.

Have a safe and fun Independence Day.

Good Night and God Bless.


4 thoughts on “Got Ur Done!!!

  1. Dave,
    My complements to you on your lawn and flower garden skills. Looks great!!

    I am spending my 4th selling fireworks at our Lions Club Fireworks tent. Have been since the 27th from 8:00am until 10:00pm. I plan on enjoying a 5th on the 5th!!! At least part of one!
    Dave, enjoy the lake and do some fun things!


  2. Hey, I just moved to a senior’s community….. they mow the yard….. I watch the ducks and the cranes… neighbor is an over achiever and she has a ton of plants on her side of the porch for me to see and enjoy. Hers flower, mine don’t

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